Weekly assignment 6: Healthy lifestyle

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Complete the weekly assignment to help you practise what you learned in the Healthy lifestyle module of the iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program.

Key points

  • In this module, you learned about the importance of staying hydrated, increasing your uptime (physical activity) and doing more activities you enjoy.
  • This week, choose one way to increase your hydration and set a goal to increase your uptime. Then, return to this page and complete the assignment review to reflect on how these strategies worked for you.

Your weekly assignment

1. Choose at least one way to increase your hydration. For example, you may have discovered that you aren't drinking very much during the day, so you choose to work on bringing a water bottle with you during the day.

2. Select a goal that will increase your uptime and write out a plan for reaching it. Include the steps to make the goal happen. You can use graded activities to help you reach your goal.

Assignment review

1. What changes did you make to increase your hydration this week?

2. What activities did you do this week to increase your uptime?

3. Did you use graded activity this week? How did it work for you?

Final program assignment

Download skill summary PDF

This is your last assignment of the program! Continue to work on the skills and strategies that you have learned throughout this program.

Over the next few weeks and months, you will have many chances to continue practising the skills and strategies and may continue to benefit from them.

This PDF is a summary of all the skills you have learned during this program. Download or print it and keep it somewhere you can easily see it as a reminder to practise the skills each day when you encounter a problem.

You can also return to this website anytime in the next few months to watch a video, listen to an audio clip or review a technique you learned.

Last updated: January 4th 2024