Mental health, wellbeing and celiac disease: Video resources

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This page features videos and animations to help support your mental health and wellbeing while you manage celiac disease. Find resources on mindfulness, for when you need a moment of peace, and coping with pain and other difficult moments.

Key points

  • Celiac disease is a life-long condition that can impact your mental health and well-being.
  • When you are feeling stressed, experiencing pain or just need to breathe, sitting and watching or listening to an animated meditation can help.

Celiac disease is a life-long condition that requires careful management. Coping with management, pain and other factors can impact your mental health and wellbeing. This page has a list of videos that you can watch when you are having trouble coping with pain, are feeling stressed or anxious, or you just need a moment of peace.


Everyday mindfulness

How to use: This video explains what everyday mindfulness is, and how being aware of what is going on around you and inside of you can help make life more enjoyable and less stressful.

You are not your thoughts

How to use: This video explains some of the things you can try when you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts. After the video, take a few moments to observe your thoughts with curiosity, paying attention to how each one makes you feel. Paying attention to your thoughts and sorting through them takes practice and patience.

Two wings to fly

How to use: This video explains the value of balancing mindfulness and compassion. Use it to help you respond to change and other unwanted experiences. Mindfulness helps you find opportunities to understand your situation more clearly. Compassion helps you respond with kindness and less judgment. After you watch the video, think about how you can practise mindfulness and show compassion towards yourself and others.

Being with all of your experiences

How to use: This animation explains why pushing away unwanted thoughts, feelings and sensations can often make a situation worse. Use it when you are finding it hard to focus on the people and things that are important to you, or if you are spending too much energy avoiding your unwanted thoughts or feelings. After the video, take a moment to let all of your thoughts, feelings and sensations be with you, without pushing any of them away.

Coping with pain and stress

Dealing with difficult moments

How to use: This video guides you through an exercise of compassion. Use it when you are finding it hard to show kindness to yourself and others or if you are having trouble getting along with someone in your life.

Dealing with flares: Controlling the controllables

How to use: This video explains how to recognize what is and what is not in your control and how to accept what you cannot change when living with a chronic physical or mental illness. This will help you to direct your energy towards the things that are important to you instead of trying to control the uncontrollables.

A moment of peace

How to use: This video explains how to find some calm and peace in difficult moments. It can help you find a sense of peace when your world seems overwhelming or when things are getting you down. After the video, pause to think about the moments of peace that you can pull from your own experience right now.

Last updated: April 21st 2021