Checking the safety of the deceased donor organ
Specialists in organ donation review the health and lifestyle of all potential donors and decide if there is anything that could cause infection or poor liver function.
Your transplant team will have the results of all the important tests before the organ is transplanted.
Co-ordinating the transplant
Liver transplants take place, ideally, within 10 hours of the liver being removed from the donor.
Once your transplant team calls to tell you that an organ is available, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.
Keeping the donor’s identity confidential
You will not know the name of the deceased donor or anything about them. In the same way, the donor family will not know anything about you, your name or your disease. The donor and their family have the right to privacy and confidentiality and so do you. It is important to respect this right. It is also the law.