The health-care team during cancer treatment

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Your health-care team will involve many different people, all of whom play an important role in your care. This page will tell you more about what to expect from your health-care team.

Key points

  • Your health-care team is made up of many different professionals including doctors, nurses, therapists and more.
  • You are the most important member of your own health-care team and it is important to remember that the main goal of your team is to help you get better.

Throughout your experience with cancer you will probably see many different health-care professionals. Together, they are called your health-care team. All of them have important roles in your care.

At the centre of the health-care team is you! Of course, you weren’t given a choice about being part of the team, but you are the reason the team exists. And since you are much more than just a disease, the team includes professionals that you might not expect, such as child life specialists and school teachers. These people can support you in ways you may not even have thought of.

If you are like many other teens (and adults too), it can be hard enough to remember each person on the health-care team, let alone exactly what they do! This section will help you understand what the people on your health-care team do and how they can help you.

Your team is there to support you when you need it. Take advantage of what they have to offer.

Last updated: September 3rd 2019