Communication means exchanging information. You can communicate in many ways. In fact, almost everything that you do communicates with the people around you in some way.
Throughout this module, you will find advice and information to help you feel more confident when speaking up for yourself and communicating with others.
Types of communication

Look at the following list and think about the types of communication that are most important and effective for you.
- Talking in person
- Talking on the phone
- Writing in a journal
- Writing letters
- Writing emails
- Texting
- Writing a blog
- Making or writing music
- Creating art
- Writing poetry, plays or stories
- Making or sharing videos
- Commenting on online content (for example, articles, videos, photos)
Being aware of how you like to communicate and the messages you send to others can help you understand yourself and become a more effective communicator.
Why is communication so important when you have sickle cell disease?

Communication helps you stay informed about your condition and any treatments so that you can have a say in the decisions that affect you.
Developing your communication skills
You may find it hard at times to talk to others about your sickle cell disease and your thoughts and feelings about the condition. This is normal! Sickle cell disease and its effects can be difficult to describe. You will get better with practice and feedback.
On the next page, you will find some
questions and prompts to guide you before, during and after you communicate with others.