Mindfulness meditations for celiac disease

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A series of guided audio meditations to help you relax, focus on your thoughts and cope with pain and stress related to the daily stress of managing celiac disease.

Key points

  • Celiac disease is a chronic, lifelong condition that can have an effect on your mental health and well-being.
  • Practicing a mindfulness meditation can help lower stress and improve your mood.

Celiac disease is a lifelong condition that requires careful management. Managing a chronic condition and coping with any pain can be stressful. One way of coping with stress and pain is to practice mindful meditations. Mindfulness involves paying attention, on purpose, with kindness. It can help you lower your stress levels and improve your mood and energy levels. This page contains a series of mindfulness meditations that you can practice when you feel overwhelmed or stressed.


How to use: Use the meditation when you’d like to refocus, take a break or reset your day. Follow along with the meditation, taking time to focus on your natural in-breath and out-breath without any judgment, counting or visualization.

Equal breathingaudio

How to use: This guided audio meditation helps you balance your in-breath and your out-breath. Use this meditation when you’d like to refocus or bring yourself back to the present moment. Follow along with the meditation to match your in-breath to your out-breath and slowly increase the length of each. If you feel out of breath or dizzy during this meditation, pause and breathe comfortably until you feel better.

Body scanaudio

How to use: This audio meditation helps you practice paying attention to your body. Use this meditation if you want to reset, refocus or bring yourself back into the present moment.

The mountainaudio

How to use: This audio meditation helps you practice paying attention to your body. Use this meditation if you want to reset, refocus or bring yourself back into the present moment.

Tree meditationaudio

How to use: This mindfulness practice helps you take care of yourself when you feel out of control. When things feel chaotic, you can practice this meditation while sitting, standing, lying or even walking.

Dropping the anchoraudio

How to use: Use this meditation to connect to your breath and to steady yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed or have any unwanted thoughts, feelings or sensations. Follow along with the meditation, paying attention to the rhythm of your in-breath and out-breath.


How to use: This audio meditation helps you develop kindness and compassion towards yourself. Use this meditation to acknowledge physical pain or unpleasant emotions without harshness or judgment. Follow along with the meditation, noticing your breath and recognizing unpleasant sensations as useful signals.

Last updated: April 21st 2021