Getting involved in your community

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Learn about some of the ways you can get involved in your community with a health condition.

Key points

  • Look for opportunities to meet other kids your age with or without the same health condition. Talking to people who understand your health condition can be helpful.
  • Be a role model, and share your story and experience with others.
  • Give back by volunteering.

How to get involved in your community

When you have a health condition, and start to feel better, you may be interested in getting more involved in your community. There are many ways to get to know people and be more active in your own community.


Many teens say that it has helped them a lot to talk to a close friend or others their age who have experienced the same health issues.

Look for some opportunities to meet other kids your age with or without the same health condition. Here are some ideas.

  • Go to camp – either a camp for children with health issues or another camp you are interested in. Talk to your health-care team about camp opportunities in your area.
  • Speak to other kids your age when you are in the waiting room at clinic. Don’t be afraid to make the first move – they are probably bored from waiting and would welcome a chance to talk.
  • Find a weekend job – it’s a great way to meet new people!
  • Ask someone on your health-care team to introduce you to another teen who has the same health condition.

Many teens with a health condition who have met at a camp or in the hospital continue to keep in touch by email, text or on social media. They say it is nice to have someone to talk to who understands them.

Role-modelling and mentoring for younger teens

It can sometimes help you to help someone else. If you are an older teen, you might feel there are things that you know now that you would have liked to know before you had treatment. If so, you can help others by supporting another teen who has just been diagnosed.

You can do this by giving your name to your nurse or social worker at the hospital. Another way is to write your own story or to start a blog. You may not be an expert in all things related to your condition, but you are an expert in your own experience. Your story is interesting and may help other teens.


Being a volunteer can be a very rewarding experience. Helping others can contribute to your own personal development and boost your self-esteem. Many organizations rely on volunteers and can offer many different opportunities. You are sure to find one that fits your interest and skill level.

Why not go online to look up one of these organizations – or any others that interest you – and find out what type of volunteers they need.

Last updated: March 3rd 2021