What to do before scoliosis surgery

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Find out what should be done prior to having an operation for scoliosis, such as when to stop eating and what to bring to the hospital.

Key points

  • You should not eat any solid food after midnight the night before or drink any fluids after 5:00 am the morning of your surgery. It is important to keep your stomach completely empty before surgery.
  • The hospital can provide you with information about hotels or other accommodations that are close to the hospital if you are travelling from far away and need to arrive a day before surgery.
  • Make sure to bring the following with you for your stay at the hospital: your health card, important hospital paperwork, any medications you are taking, essential toiletries, pajamas, a change of clothes and personal items to keep you entertained.

What to do before coming to the hospital

On the day of your surgery, you will not be able to eat anything solid after midnight. You can drink clear fluids until 5:00 am but after that, have absolutely nothing to eat or drink, and no chewing gum or throat lozenges. It is really important to keep your stomach completely empty before you go for surgery. Anaesthesia should be given on an empty stomach. If there is food or drink in your stomach while you are under anaesthesia, you may throw up and inhale the vomit into your lungs. This can lead to serious complications. If you break any of these rules, your surgery will be cancelled.

If you are travelling from far away, you may decide to arrive the day before your surgery. The hospital can provide you with information about hotels or other accommodations that are close by.

What to bring to the hospital

When you leave home to go to the hospital, make sure you bring:

  • Your health card and hospital card
  • Any paperwork the hospital has asked for. For example, your family doctor may have done a general check-up on you and filled out a form to say you are fit for surgery
  • Any medications you are taking, such as an inhaler for asthma
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hairbrush
  • Soap and deodorant
  • For girls: pads but no tampons.
  • Pajamas and housecoat. You will be in a hospital gown for the first couple of days but afterwards you may want to wear your own clothes. Make sure they are easy to put on and take off, such as a large T-shirt and boxer shorts
  • Stretchy, comfortable clothing for the ride home
  • A favourite pillow or blanket from home
  • Books, iPod, portable DVD, or other forms of entertainment
  • Pictures of family, friends, or pets.
Dernières mises à jour: juin 1st 2008