Hemophilia and setting goals

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Teens living with hemophilia can learn why goal-setting is an important part of their self-care routine.

Setting goals for yourself is an important part of transition to adult care and self-management. Goals are meant to help us develop and improve ourselves. The goals that you set can be related to your hemophilia or to other parts of your life.

Here are some examples of hemophilia-related goals:

  • In the next two weeks, I will learn to mix my own factor.
  • In the next month, I will learn to give myself infusions.
  • I want to feel comfortable talking about my hemophilia with others.
  • I will not let my hemophilia keep me from doing things I enjoy, like playing sports

Try to set realistic goals. If we set goals we cannot achieve, it can be very frustrating. One way to help set achievable goals is to follow the acronym SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time appropriate.


  • Specific
    Start with something small to work toward. It will make it easier to stay focused.
  • Measurable
    You should be able to recognize the progress you make and know when you have reached your goal.
  • Achievable
    Make sure your goal is one you can define an end to and know you can reach.
  • Realistic
    Consider the other aspects of your life and special circumstances you face. This will help you ensure your goal is practical for YOU.
  • Time appropriate
    Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to complete each goal. It is unlikely you will be good at something the first time you try it, so be patient with yourself.

For each week, try and set one small goal for yourself. Throughout the program, try to work toward one long-term goal as well. These goals will help you reap the most benefit from the program by helping you:

  • focus on what you want to learn during your transition
  • tailor the information provided in the modules to your specific needs.

You can also share your goals with your personal health coach. Goals are a great way to help you stay on track.

Dernières mises à jour: mars 13th 2019