Personal stories

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Here are the personal stories of four teens that have gone through scoliosis surgery. They share what they felt about surgery and how they coped.

Key points

  • It can be really helpful to hear what someone else has been through to know that you are not alone.

Sometimes it can really help to hear what someone else has been through. In this section, we have included a few personal stories from teens who decided to do scoliosis surgery. They had their ups and downs. They had fears about surgery just like you. Some became upset when they saw the operating room for the first time. They all felt the pain and the flurry of emotions after surgery. Some even got mad at the nurses for making them walk so soon after surgery, but eventually they realized how important that was. And they all had to build back their strength over time.

Some of these teens had great people to rely on. Others felt let down by the people they expected to be there. We hope that these stories will make you feel a bit less alone.

Dernières mises à jour: juin 1st 2008