Sickle cell disease: What is insomnia?

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Learn more about insomnia and discover what to expect from this module of the iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program, including six approaches that help with insomnia.

Key points

  • Poor sleep habits and negative thoughts about sleep can lead to insomnia.
  • Many people with insomnia struggle with sleep because they have learned to associate their bedroom with tension, anxiety and worries about falling asleep.
  • This module will teach you six approaches to help with insomnia: wind-down routine, sleep restriction, sleep training, relaxation, positive wake-up and scheduling "worrying time".

You learned a little about insomnia in the sleep module.

You may remember that most people have insomnia because of poor sleep habits such as spending too much time in bed, napping during the day or not having a regular bedtime and wake time.

A person may also have negative thoughts about sleep, such as "I will never be able to fall asleep tonight". These kinds of thoughts keep them from being able to settle to sleep easily.

Insomnia is usually a learned habit. This means that many people with insomnia have learned to associate their bedroom with tension, anxiety, and worries about falling asleep.

Download sleep tips PDF

In this module, you will learn six approaches that help with insomnia:

Dernières mises à jour: janvier 4th 2024