Weekly assignment 8: Negative emotions

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Complete the weekly assignment to help you practise what you learned in the Negative emotions module of the iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program.

Key points

  • In this module, you learned what negative emotions are and how they affect your experience of pain, how to identify negative emotions and how to boost your mood by planning enjoyable activities into your day and searching for positives.
  • This week, try to schedule enjoyable activities and search for the positives in your day. Then, return to this page and complete the assignment review to reflect on how these strategies worked for you.

Your weekly assignment

1. Try to schedule two or three enjoyable activities each day. Write them down below. If you find that you don't have time on certain days, just do one from your list.

2. Start the search for the positives in your day. Select a time that you will find the positives and write down or think of two or three positive things that happened.

3. Think about the enjoyable activities that you chose. Schedule two of these activities this week.

Assignment review

1. What enjoyable activities did you do this week?

2. On a scale from 0 (did not help) to 10 (helped a lot), how much did the activities help with your energy or mood?

3. What time of the day (morning, afternoon or evening) did you search for positives?

4. What were some of the positives you found?

5. What enjoyable activities did you do this week?

Dernières mises à jour: janvier 4th 2024