Weekly assignment 5: Communication and self-advocacy

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Complete the weekly assignment to help you practise what you learned in the Communication and self-advocacy module of the iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program.

Key points

  • In this module, you learned tips for communicating effectively with your family and friends, health-care team and your school to help you be more successful in school and at managing your sickle cell disease.
  • Practise two of the communication skills you learned this week, then return to this page to review how they worked for you.

Your weekly assignment

Look at the communication tips you learned in this module and pick two that you want to practise. Try using them in a conversation with friends or family this week. For example, you might want to try collecting your thoughts and using “I” statements.

Afterwards, don’t forget to reflect on how it went. You can use the review questions to guide you.

Assignment review

1. What two communication skills did you practise?

2. Did you remember to reflect on your message?

3. What went well?

4. What could have gone better?

Dernières mises à jour: janvier 4th 2024