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Low mood and irritability

Common feelings such as ongoing sadness, low self-worth or hopelessness can all contribute to a low mood. Feelings of frustration, with themselves or their situation, may cause more irritability.

Low mood and irritability
Difficulty concentrating

If someone has many unwanted thoughts and feelings about themselves or their life, they may find it hard to concentrate on day-to-day tasks and remember details.

Difficulty concentrating
Feeling helpless

A person with depression may feel unable to control their thoughts and play an active role in their own life. They may also struggle with feelings of emptiness and have trouble making decisions.

Feeling helpless
Avoiding enjoyable activities

Someone with depression may lose interest in certain hobbies or activities. This can sometimes mean skipping activities that they would normally enjoy.

avoiding enjoyable activities
Low energy and changes in sleep

Depression can make someone feel slowed down and lethargic and in need of more sleep than usual. Other times, it can make it harder for someone to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night.

Excessive worrying
Changes in appetite

Depressive feelings can lead someone to eat more than usual, for instance to have more energy or find comfort in food. On the opposite side, they can also cause someone to lose interest in food.

Difficulty meeting new people
Ongoing health concerns

The sleep problems, low energy, ongoing stress and changes in appetite that are part of depression can make someone more prone to health concerns such as recurring headaches, and aches and pains.

Feeling restless

Stressful events can make someone with depression feel frequently “on edge”, as if they are consistently waiting for something bad to happen.

Avoiding fun activities